Okayy, before i start my letter, just wanna share how i'm feeling now. when i look through the audience i am writing to each day, to be frank, i cant think of anyone except afew. pathetic much uh. but its okayy, i'm still gonna try my best to complete it(:
start of my letter writing, this letter is dedicated to my best friend aka AHBUDDD(:
here you go:D
Hello, Vanessa T.♥
"A smile always fit ur face better:D"
continue being that crazy girl that everyone complain about ur noisy-ness yeahh! we all know that things are no longer the same and you've really been a very strong girl all this while. i knw u're tryin very hard to move on. &i believe u can, cus 你是谁? VANESSA TANG JIE WEI NEHH! Sry that i wasn't by ur side at that period of time when u really needed support, sry for nt being a good friend of urs:/ &i felt shitty whenever i think of it. but just so u know, istillloveyoukayy!(:

Its really amazing how we've got close within a short period of time(: Because of you, i was given a chance to perform, and it was really a memorable one(: &definitely, i'll never forget the stay-over i had at ur hse. those crazy moments and crazy camwhore. CHMA, the hectic moments we used to share and go thru tgther. Those tears and laughters we had, i still remember it as tho it was smth that happened recently.
Now, many things have changed and tho we may not as close as before but you know, i'm still as willing to hear u out like before. i still look thru our pictures and smile at those silly memories we once had. this shows that i still miss you de kayy. HAHA. ohoh, and we've yet to fufil our BUD's outing! no matter what, i will make myself available on this break after exams for our outing:D Continue dancing yeahh:D really happy to have known you. LOVE YOU AHBUD(:♥
Its really amazing how we've got close within a short period of time(: Because of you, i was given a chance to perform, and it was really a memorable one(: &definitely, i'll never forget the stay-over i had at ur hse. those crazy moments and crazy camwhore. CHMA, the hectic moments we used to share and go thru tgther. Those tears and laughters we had, i still remember it as tho it was smth that happened recently.
Now, many things have changed and tho we may not as close as before but you know, i'm still as willing to hear u out like before. i still look thru our pictures and smile at those silly memories we once had. this shows that i still miss you de kayy. HAHA. ohoh, and we've yet to fufil our BUD's outing! no matter what, i will make myself available on this break after exams for our outing:D Continue dancing yeahh:D really happy to have known you. LOVE YOU AHBUD(:♥
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