#letter6 - A stranger

i can't think of any.
so... SKIP.
#Letter 7 - to my ex-boyfriend.
nthing much to write about tho, just..wanna thank you from waking me up from my childish thots, thinking that fairytale exist in this world. LOL. and pls, if u want to end something, end it properly. look for me and tell me. bt nthin, no msges, no call. and bye u go. RAAWR. i dislike the way u take me for, when u need me i am here, when u dun need me, u push me away. oh, maybe i was never needed. blar.
it was just a simple r/s bt still, it hurts.(in the past, took freaking long period of time to get over u.) OH, maybe not u. but the memories. BLAR. i sound so sacastic in this letter.haha. whatever. bye. NEXT LETTER!
#Letter 8 - Favorite internet friend
I dun really have any, bt the longest known internet friend i have is actually junhong. & we happen to have the same birthday. what a small world yeahh!
#Letter 9 - someone you wish you could talk to
Hmm, interesting topic. i guess it would be those that have been thru an extraordinary sucky life but yet still as positive, its this kinda of people that i wish i could talk to. note the word extraordinary. haha. i want to learn from them, i want to hear what they have to say about their life. and i believe i will be very inspired by them after the talk. I always see people who are strong, (in terms of emotionally and mentally), with admiration. HAHA. i dunno why either. heee.:D
This four letters are just short and simple. maybe cus i am running out of ideas on what to write. HAHA. okok. off to do my stuff now. BYEEE:D
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