i've also changed my blog song to charice's(:
Charice- You will never stand alone
Do listen to "in this song" as well! AWESOMEE:D
Had the urge to play piano once i woke up, so i went searching for my scores and such. p/s i didn even bother to wash up, until i finish writing the notes down on my scores. HAHAHAHA. practiced several songs, how i wish i have a tcher to guide me while i play. woo. den sing sang sung:D(Y)my all time fav. haha. followed by my obsession with charice's song.
Now, i'm gonna spam my blog with letters. &i've no idea how many i'm gonna write today, but definitely more than 3(:
So, to start off with, i'm gonna combine letter 15 and 16 tgther(:
cus its referring to the same person. haha. here you go(:
#Letter 15 — The person you miss the most
#Letter 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Uncle Justin & Michelle ahyi(:
"miss you miss you miss you"
Guess they are in new york now, but i dunno which part of NY they are in.
hahahah. I only get to see them at the end of every year:/
i never fail to cry every single time they return. therefore, last year i chose not t send them off and stay at home. but still, i teared. haha.
i really dislike goodbyes D:
Whenever they are backk, we will always have our girls dayout and we will shop for clothes:D hee. i rmb we(me& my bro and his gf) went kbox with ahyi:D and she really love jay chou's song(: hahaha. durians is also one of the things that we will not miss out when they are backk(: and uncle justin, as usual dislike the taste of durians. hahhaa.
Its really amazing how Michelle ahyi and uncle justin get tgther, for its really FATE. When my ahyi first went NY, she wasn't familiar with the routes and such. So in the train station, she needed help and approached uncle justin. He was a really great man:D & ahyi was also really lucky to meet him, imagine she met some nasty ppl:/ so yeahh, they kept in contact and as days goes by they got married(: really, fate:D
#Letter 17 — Someone from your childhood
There is no one i have in mind to talk about for this. becus i am not in contact with any of my childhood friends nooow:/
#Letter 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Hmm, the person i wish i could be. who would that be? actually no one in particular. just be me, myself and i!:D
#Letter 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
i shall just keep this short and sweet. People who are important in my life dun pester my mind, but keep my mind occupied. Its me who is pestering my own mind. HAHA. sry if i'm not making any sense. abit blur le. HAHAHA.
#Letter 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Broke my heart the hardest? Only hurt me the most.i guess no one for the moment. But i dun feel like talking bout my past anymooore. like, every time i talk bout it, i will wallow in self-pity. wth=.= i dun like. AHAHHA. so yeapp. NEXT!:D
#Letter 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Hmm, no one i guess. i dun judge someone when i dunno them but i just say how i feel about them. But that is not judgin kayy! just feel. LOL. i feel like smacking myself now=.= LOL. i know its random but i seem to be talkin crap for my past few letters. HAHHAHA.
& never judge someone by your first impression, its the biggest mistake to make.
#Letter 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
No one. Cause everyone deserves a second chance(:
#Letter 23 — The last person you kissed

"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."
This is my fav soft toy:D Can everyone just imagine this to be a human?:X HEH. i used to talk to him whenever i am upset. hug him when i am scare of those thunders and punch him when i am angry (OOPS.) but he never gets angry, and is always smiling back at me(:
When everyone is tired and sick of their life, Mr smiley encourages me to be happy and smile(: You can tell how much i take this soft toy as a human being. LOL! hahah. He never fails.
hee. i give Mr smiley a kiss before i sleep every night. and he is always beside me:D i wake up in the mornin smilin cus i always receive one when i open my eyes(:
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