In love with charice's music. weee.
Was late as usual. HAHA.
Walked around plaza sing, held back my urge to enter yamaha to play their piano. HAHAH. Grand piano looks real awesome and attractive:D wait, whr was i? oh yes, rebooting my lappy. so yeahh, spent 1/2 of my day with them and homed after that(:
Dinnered with bro and mum. (Y) great time(: (L)
Gonna continue with my letters NOOOOW:D
#Letter 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
#Letter 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
i dunno any actually. But if its people who are not related to me, i will say its those that are fighting against death to stay alive.Hm, just a fast fact to share with everyone; the less optimistic tends to die earlier and are usually in poorer health. While optimistic have a more positive impact on their immune and hormonal systems therefore death risk for them are lower. hahaha. cool much? LOL.
#Letter 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to

"Promises. i believe in you."
its for me to know, and for u to find out(:
#Letter 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
cant think of any:/ SORRY!
#Letter 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
cant think of any:/ SORRY!
#Letter 28 — Someone that changed your life
(: i shall leave this for the future.
#Letter 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
DUMBOfish'S. But slowly, i believe i will(:
#Letter 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

From the reflection in the mirror, i see a girl with very low confidence.
"Someone who just want to be like all other girl. To doll up at times, but thr is always smth holding her backk. she is always ask herself, why bother dressin up when she still look as yucky. Her confidence level always varies, depending on who she's with. Things that used to make her feel confident in, are all fading away. Now, the only thing left that she felt confident enough to show is her smile. hahaha. i know it sounds weird, but thats just how things are."
i guess no one ever know how much i dislike looking into the mirror. maybe only one or 2 knows it. haha. cus everytime i look into the mirror, i feel even more demoralise. hahah. so weird. LOL. but i am alr gettin better. tryin not to think and feel that way. i want to learn to appreciate myself and acknowledge whatever that is nice in me(: yes, i'm so gonna do that. i should start loving myself more and more instead of pullin myself down. yeahh. jiayous kiahgek(L)
"Apart from that, blurness is her trademark impression (sounds weird) left on most people. HAHHAHA. get to know her, and she may mess up everything u do. LOL. Her brother was just telling her about how all her properties(e.g handphone, earpiece etc) spoil in her hand. HAHA. what to do. PHANkiahgek ahhhh,Big sigh."
You know it sucks when you hear comments like, "its hard to trust u cus u are always making mistake." sometimes, we just want to be accepted and be believed in. Maybe, its really just me. my inability to do things right cause myself to face such consequences. haha. okayy, this letter wasn't suppose to bring me to sharing all these. tsk.
anw, presenting you all the smiles:D
(Y) you guys have no idea how happy and excited i was as i browse thru all these pics.
i never got bored of it(: (L)

See this blur and kum gong face of mine?
i still have it now! HAHHA. and u see that girl beside me?
thats all for my 30letters. thanks for stayin tune. HAHAAH.
next up will be a letter i've promised to write for one of my bestie in sec(:
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