Had my music career interview today and it was really horrendous. well, at least i felt i was really bad at expressing and presenting myself. Though i understand that the chances of getting in are low, i'm glad that i've given it a try instead of regretting the chances not taken. Through this short interview, i got to have a glimpse of the music industry, how tough things would be and how focusing on just on particular aspect wouldn't bring about survival for oneself. Being aware of my weak music background, i have no one to blame but myself. Perhaps if i learnt to stand up for what i want at a earlier stage, i probably wouldn't have been left with no skills. ohwell (:
Dd suggested to piggy back me for a distance though i didn't really want it because his bag was weighing a ton and in additional to me, his back may break anytime. HAHA. but still, our usual piggyback (: TATAS.
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