Hi all! So.. School officially started yesterday but it still felt like holiday to me. die. So nothing much on the first few days of school. just getting-to-know-our-new-tcher kind of thing. So anywhr, met dajie for dance session today and both of us came up with our own set of cheoro(: it was kind of an achievement for beginners i must say^^ HEE.
On a side note, i believe many have alr read the news on the recent hit&drive incident! DISTURBING ISN'T IT?? whats even more disturbing is that, theres so many passer-by but no one bother to help until one aunty came along. Freaking 19 ppl walk passed her&NO ONE helped her at all except for that aunty. really HEARTLESS ppl out there. If only someone were to take the step out to help the girl, she would have been able to prevent the second hit& things would be different. Filled with mixed emotions after watching the video. My heart really ache when i see the girl got drove over&all she could do was t only lie there so helplessly looking at the second van drive towards her. it was really terrible)': Felt so upset seeing her parents feeling so helpless too; all they ever want now is for her daughter to be okay& for the driver t be caught. This must have came t them so sudden that they dont even know how to react to it. really really hope that those irresponsible and heartless creatures would get caught.
What a disgrace to this universe.
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