Had our not-so-obvious haircut at Aunty annie's house and because it's too boring t have no plans.. we decided to head to We're the furballs (WTF) cafe (: It's such a great place for chillout and a perfect place for people who wish to own a dog but have yet to own one.
(image taken from WTF's fb page)
So as usual, seeing the lil furballs brighten up our days so much ^^
Yuki Chan, my fav!! however she refuses to get close to me today:/
Buibui, the greedy one^^ Boyfee getting so happy tricking buibui with the drink. hahahha.
Just tell me, how can someone not love buibui. Ahhh, frenchies are much loveed (: hee.
Mochi, Dajie's fav. Mochi is pretty shy and are rather selective to the people she wishes to approach.
Pretty slinky (: A really photogenic dog. hehh.
Lola together with Mochi (:
Sleeping duchess on my lap ^^ ahh, she was the only one which approached me willingly today (:
i had a really lovely time with the furballs as well as the lovely company (:
How's your day?
Till then, xoxo