Everyday is a day to be thankful for(: *just a random thought tho* haha. Umm, i'm now officially 18! legal for M18 movie and blahhh. surprisingly, these stuff dun excite me at all. lol. hahha. Anw, i'm gonna talk about ystd!(: DD, Dajie and benben was with me through this special day. thankful(: All the surprises and such. haha. Went to... (i forget whats that place le=.=) for buffet after much discussion. hahaha. YUMMY YUMMY. ate alooot! thanks for the treat(: Went archade after that, played and took neo print(its been years. haha):D &&i won in daytona! dam happy. haha. k, i know its childish of me but whatever!:D i won(: LALALALA. Mos burger then back to my house. Played monopoly deal. HAHA. *ji dong* Lights went off then birthday cake!(: (Y) hee. so touched when i see DD bringing the cake in. HAHA.
Thankyou everyone for your well wishes on fb, twitter, msges and especially those who made my day a awesome one. love all of you(:
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