I must always bear in mind that everyone is going through their own problems and i shouldn't be so selfish to just think about myself. its really time for another round of self reflection. Not only that, i must start learning to be more independent. i am always depending on DD, thinking that he will always be by my side 24/7. But truth is, that is not going to happen.
So, i got to learn. learn to be independent. learn to be strong.
I find myself having difficulties handling my emotions now. Sometimes negative feelings just start haunting me, making me feel really useless and sad. am starting to let my duper emotional side out to the whole world. the thought of it just makes me feel so....:/ argh. KIAHGEK, YOU NEED A CHANGE! gotta find my confidence back.
kinda miss the girl i used to be; happy-go-lucky. understanding. emotional but strong.
but of course i'm happy noow. Just that, i'm going to find back some missing positive traits of mine. jiayous kiahgek(:
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