ELLO! just thought i shouldn miss bloggin this out(: Finally met up with benben on 3rd march for KBOXXX:D miss her alot! really glad t know that she've improved so much in dance. i mean, i'm still the same me. not makin any improvement, nothing. but for her, she's moving forward every now and then. really admire her, hope she'll excwl in her dance& work towards her dreams(:
So yupp, did some catching up and as usual, we spout nonsense here and there. haha. it felt really enjoyable hanging out with her again. to think that we were once close like family members, well, haha. now we've our own lives to lead bt still glad that we're in contact with one another.
Kbox was awesome as usual. Camwhored, and did some catching up(: ended the day well. hopefully we'll meetup soon enough. loveees(:
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