Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Posted on 10:32 by Unknown

Read a book recently& it kinda open me up to more possibilities and hopes in life(: Its true that what i'm doing now may seem insignificant& almost impossible to make any change/impact in the society but at least i know i'm taking the step out to give back to the society. An act of kindness goes along way for many people and it does have its chain effects subconsciously. Like a domino effect, it just goes on& on.
It is a fact that all humans have the capacity to love(: So i believe its important that we learn to give, no matter how small it is. We don't always have to start big or to even be equipped with any skills to give. Anyone can be a change-maker in this world as long as you're willing(:
SOO. What are you waiting for? let your thoughts be heard& take action today!:D
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Posted on 07:50 by Unknown
Before i start, AHBUDD! we forgot t take pictures todayy):
So anw, met my favorite ahbudd around evening at bugis (: MISS HER SO MUCHH! it has been quite some time since we're out again:D hee. So as usual, i was lost& she had t come meet me somewhr i knw. hhhahah. like always-.- HEEHEE. Walked around bugis street and did some catching up. i think we can multi-task really well; window shopping & sharings at the same time:D Um, was really glad to hear from her again after so long& i'm really happy for her:D hee.
*Ahbud, if u ever need someone t talk t, feel free to approach me yeah(: listening ear always here<3*
Umm, so since dd was free for dinner, we managed to meetup for alil while(: The 3 of us played diamond dash together on dd's ipad and we managed to break the high score& got 1st on the scoreboard. hohoho. like-a-high-only:D after dinner, dd left for his recruitment, bud went to look for her bf& i head home(:
OHHH& It was so sweet of budbud to get me a christmas present^^ *touched* really like it alot!(: AHBUDDD! 谢谢你!(':

*Ahbud, if u ever need someone t talk t, feel free to approach me yeah(: listening ear always here<3*
Umm, so since dd was free for dinner, we managed to meetup for alil while(: The 3 of us played diamond dash together on dd's ipad and we managed to break the high score& got 1st on the scoreboard. hohoho. like-a-high-only:D after dinner, dd left for his recruitment, bud went to look for her bf& i head home(:
OHHH& It was so sweet of budbud to get me a christmas present^^ *touched* really like it alot!(: AHBUDDD! 谢谢你!(':
Friday, 16 December 2011
Posted on 12:10 by Unknown

Thursday, 15 December 2011
its just me being me.
Posted on 05:00 by Unknown
I'm just the next-door-kinda girl you will find randomly down the street. Whilst some people may think that being typical& common is too overrated, i think i adore being one. i don't enjoy having unnecessary spotlights, i don't feel comfortable hanging around with too many new faces& i'm the type of girl who watches a touching video and end up tearin like thrs no tmr. it is extremely tough for me to open up& for people whom i ever opened up to, please don't take it for granted:/ i'm afraid of getting hurt and as much as i seem to open to everyone, i have 'walls' built around me. no one can really get through it, except 1 or2.
Sorry if i come off being really insecure& lonely at times. As depressing as it is, i can't help it. i cry, i over-react for certain stuff but i'm still me. No matter what i change abt myself, there is just one thing i can't seem to change; my attachment to the ppl i love.
& for a girl like me, i'm really thankful& happy that i have such a wonderful boyf who loves me with his heart&soul. These gratefulnesses is jus way beyond words. Just wanna enjoy every moment i have with my love ones(:
oh& when i love, i love wholeheartedly. YOU(:
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
beautiful memories.
Posted on 07:13 by Unknown
why do i feel foreign t the word; friends.
Posted on 04:30 by Unknown
So.. paper for marketing was do-able, given the fact that i don't feel prepared for it. Felt really lethargic in the morning cus Dd& i actually studied till 4plus the previous night. *YAWNS* tireddd bt was really relief& felt rather confident after completing it:D hee.
At the end of Chia's paper, i was feeling all hyped up! maybe becus LAST PAPER= ENJOYMENT(: So went KBOOX with Steph& Feiying&& i swear they are not as demure and gentle from what they look like. HAHHA. *recalling how crazy they were* but it was really enjoyable singing with them:D i like it when they jus let lose and enjoy themselves. No stress at all^^ hee. afterwhich, we took pics with Feiying's polariod!(: she was so nice to give each of us one 'copy':D Went to Taka to get their korean rice cake&& home sweet homee(:
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
jus bored
Posted on 07:00 by Unknown

OHH!& did i mentioned? i would be going to kbox with Stephanie& Feiying tmr:D its like my very first 'outing' w them. i'm very excited:D yayyy! Gonna take lots of piccc(: *memories*
All the best to all lovelies taking their paper tmr(:
Till then.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Posted on 23:46 by Unknown

Watched You're the Apple of my eyes for the second time, this time round with my mum& brother. Still remember the first time when i watched it with Dd, he actually prepared tissues for me. hahaha. how adorable can he get?
Though i do not have such happening memories in my past but i do have pure and innocent ones. HAHA. Despite watching it for the second time, it still managed to trigger my emotions. Don't you think its amazing that the director actually wrote his life story into a book and then film it into a movie which is now so well-known? He must have felt very proud of his work. its like watching his past memories happening all over again.
I want that too. i want to look back on my memories one day and know that i've lived a life worthwhile.& that is why i keep diaries& why i love taking pictures of things/moments i do not want to forget. i dun own any good cameras or DXLR(if thats what it is called), but i guess it does not really matter.
Ok i dunno where this post is leading to but i guess my main point here is that, whether is it good or bad, happening or boring but it is what brings us to where we're today. i'm thankful for the memories i can recall (:
Everyday is a good day, just that some are better! Start living life& make it a life worthwhile^^
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Monday, 5 December 2011
Posted on 19:33 by Unknown
Today a lady tap me on my shoulder during my bus journey home& she showed concern for my wound even tho we do not know each other.
This lil act is an act of kindness(:
Really appreciate it:D
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Kids are real when it comes to love.
Posted on 04:20 by Unknown
I love how this feels. Words just sound so beautiful coming from out them(':
Kids don't complicate love. They just love<3
If only such innocence stays in everyone(:
Thursday, 1 December 2011
you make me feel alive
Posted on 10:06 by Unknown
Another beautiful memory created(:
Had night cycling with DD& it was my first time standing on a bike stand. haha. like sua gu only. hehe. Dd actually went to fixed it on the bike for me and its BLUEE:D *touched* haha. So.. despite having school the very next day, we are out midnight for some re-visiting of DD's past memories. He brought me to places filled with his sec school memories. Really interesting. makes me feel so pathetic, like i don't have any childhood or sec school memories. hahaha. Anw, his life story is really interesting, its so happening kayy! haha. Not only that, we spent quality time learning about one another& i am extremely thankful that we have such bonding time together(:
The route ahead may be filled with challenges,
but i believe we will get through it
& work towards a beautiful future for US(:
Ciaos peepoos(:
Saturday, 26 November 2011
international volunteer day; spread the cause(:
Posted on 19:25 by Unknown
A day i wouldn't forget(:
Its really a pity that so many people are unaware of such event! really learnt alot about different organisations, which opens up more voluntary opportunities for me:D HAPPYGIRL(:
Now, i shall let my pictures do the talking(:
Trying out the manual Wheelchair^^
Experiencing how to communicate w/o the sense of hearing.
Experiencing the sense of touch of a kidney patient.
Kor Kor & Me on the go(:
Experiencing how it feels like to be a stroke patient.
Experiencing how it feels like to be a stroke patient.
End product! Ta-da(:
its really tough:/
its really tough:/
Bed Bugs that is always found in elderly's one-room flat.
Forest Trail(:
Learnt alot on how volunteers get to help ecologically.
Learnt alot on how volunteers get to help ecologically.
One of their aim is to prevent destruction of native plants in Singapore.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Yes yes. i know its over:X but just let me blog about it kayy:D haha.
Any idea that World Kindness Day is on 13 November'11?(:
"The purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion; and realise we are citizens of the world."
True enough, kindness is a universal language that everyone have in them. Learn to appreciate the things and people around you(: Never underestimate a small act; a smile, a 'thank you' etc, because that may be just the thing to brighten up someone's day.
But of course, World Kindness Day holds a greater vision in making the world a better place for all to live in as it works towards the beginning of a global reaction against exploitation of human& natural resources.
Meanwhile,We can always start small in our own circle or community by bringing peace and order(: i believe our little contribution will make an impact in the world in time to come as long as everyone stays united.
p/s kind of regretted not volunteering for this year's WKD event:/
Note to self: so gonna volunteer next year(:
i hope to receive daisies on WKD BUT would love more to be the one giving(:

"The purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion; and realise we are citizens of the world."
True enough, kindness is a universal language that everyone have in them. Learn to appreciate the things and people around you(: Never underestimate a small act; a smile, a 'thank you' etc, because that may be just the thing to brighten up someone's day.
But of course, World Kindness Day holds a greater vision in making the world a better place for all to live in as it works towards the beginning of a global reaction against exploitation of human& natural resources.
Meanwhile,We can always start small in our own circle or community by bringing peace and order(: i believe our little contribution will make an impact in the world in time to come as long as everyone stays united.
Be what you want the world to be!(:
p/s kind of regretted not volunteering for this year's WKD event:/
Note to self: so gonna volunteer next year(:
i hope to receive daisies on WKD BUT would love more to be the one giving(:
Just a short video to share before signing off(:
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011

Don't you think that is one of the best things we all have in common? i mean it may sound silly, but don't you find it amazing?(: We can feel sadness, anger, happiness, surprise, excitement, hurt and many more. Be it positive or negative emotions, it is what makes us like living beings. Just like animals, they have emotions to&also definitely deserved to be loved and respected.
Oh, talking about animals, pics and videos of animal abuse starts flashing back. Sometimes i really wonder how is it possible for people to do something so inhumane. Its really disturbing. Why are they even able to smile and be so proud of it, even videoing the whole process. WHY? ): How can we solve this problem?:/ Sighzxz.
Under situation for people with such inhumane doings, they are simply sick in their mind& for once i would say, i believe that karma would get back to them. Anw, what goes around comes around. isn't it?
Saturday, 12 November 2011
i love you like a love song baby(:
Dolphin Lagoon, Butterfly&Insects Kingdom(:
BUTTERFLIES(: beautiful isn't it?
Ended our day with 11.11.11 movie(:
Dd surprised me by bringing me to Sentosa Underwater world&dolphin lagoon + Butterfly& Insects Kingdom:D HEE(: So funnn!(: Tho it rained almost the whole day BUT that does not stop us from having fun!:D:D hee. many fishes&sharks&stingray:D weewoo! *Imagine my SUA GU face* HAHA. Managed to feed the fishes but did not have the courage to touch the fishes:X dd was likea brave boy. He even touched the stingray. hee(: Went to dolphin lagoon after that(: FINALLY IN MY LIFE I GET TO SEE A DOLPHIN!(': can you imagine it? &it is one of my life wishes(': Thankyou Dd! (L)
Afterwhich we headed Butterfly&Insects Kingdom(: Despite being in our poncho, we had all the fun in this world(: HEE. Frankly, i'm not a big fan of any insects or butterfly. But it was really a great experience tho it rained quite heavily after that and all the butterflies went hiding. Managed to get shelter in a small hut and we slack thr. it felt quite cozy but i doubt anyone noticed this place. HAHA.
Travelled to Ang Mo Kio after our tea set& watch 11.11.11(: Well, not a fantastic movie. 5/10 maybe? Haha. i admit i jumped quite a few times during the movie BUT it is not because of the storyline but the sound effects-_- haha. dammit.
But it was a wonderful day all in all! I'M A HAPPYGIRL! thankyou for this surprise& i really appreciate it. Totally enjoyed myself(:
Friday, 11 November 2011
11:11 w my special one(;
Posted on 12:06 by Unknown
I swear we had our cutest 11:11(:
Some people may say, "whats so different about 11/11/11,11:11. It is just like another normal day. What for make a big fuss out of it" True enough, it is really just like any other day. BUT such unique date happens only one in our lifetime because the next one that happens would be 100years down the road. On top of that, this date also reminded me that everyday is a day that would only appear once in our lifetime. haha.
So cherish every moment you have for every second spent is a second that you can't take back(:
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Saturday, 5 November 2011

In pleasant terms: A girl who is nice and put other needs before her own.
In awful terms: A girl who is afraid to stand up for herself and often live life for others instead of self.
I believe most girls have been through this phase and that makes me no different from them. I have been through this and it took me only till recently to get out of it. i'm afraid to speak up for myself for fear of what others may feel or think about me. I put ppl's need infront of me because i often see my own opinions and needs as insignificant compared to others. I live my life for others instead of self because i thought seeing the rest happy makes me happy too.
BUT through the way it struck me hard that i should start living the life i want. Not that i should be ignorant about others but to be honest with what i really want. i dun want to live a life of regrets, thinking of 'if only i've done..'. I started to connect with my inner self during my own quality time which gave me a greater understanding of myself. i started to speak up more than i used to tho it was really a struggle at start but it felt really great when you know that you've speak your piece and people actually listen to it.
Despite these changes, i'm still me. Needs of others will still be recognize by me. its just more balanced when my own needs are looked into too(: There are still many people i wish to reach out to in this world. Slowly, one step after other, i believe i will(:
All this changes in me dun happen overnight, it may seem nothing to many but to me, it actually meant taking a big step forward because it was a whole lot of struggle within me. it wasn't easy. People may see me as an extrovert, someone who gets along with anyone and everyone. But thats not totally true because i'm actually quite an introvert within. So yeapp, it wasn't easy for changes to take place within me.
Other than my own effort, there is one special person who was there for me all this while and gave me all the patience i ever needed. I know sometimes it gets annoying when i tear over small stuff and i'm very touched that you nvr detest that about me instead each time after i settle down, you assure me that you will be with me through all changes.
Thankful for everything(: i love you, my one and only(':
Friday, 4 November 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Familiar scene. hahaha.
Other than Social Psychology, understanding love and sexuality is definitely one of my favorite module! HEE:D Who says we don't have to learn about love? Yes, i admit certain things does happen naturally but it is always good to equip ourselves with more knowledge(: & honestly, I have learnt alot in just 2 lessons.
I've come to understand why is BOD important in a r/s, why guys react in certain ways and how we can maintain and make our own relationship stable, the differences between girls and guys; not just physically but the way we think and handle stuff, why are girls emotional, being understanding to guy's sexual side; not t give in but to understand why and many more! AMAZINNNG ISN'IT?(: heee. can't wait for the next lesson tho^^
I'm glad i'm able to take away something meaningful each time at the end of his lesson(:
Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Hi all! So.. School officially started yesterday but it still felt like holiday to me. die. So nothing much on the first few days of school. just getting-to-know-our-new-tcher kind of thing. So anywhr, met dajie for dance session today and both of us came up with our own set of cheoro(: it was kind of an achievement for beginners i must say^^ HEE.
On a side note, i believe many have alr read the news on the recent hit&drive incident! DISTURBING ISN'T IT?? whats even more disturbing is that, theres so many passer-by but no one bother to help until one aunty came along. Freaking 19 ppl walk passed her&NO ONE helped her at all except for that aunty. really HEARTLESS ppl out there. If only someone were to take the step out to help the girl, she would have been able to prevent the second hit& things would be different. Filled with mixed emotions after watching the video. My heart really ache when i see the girl got drove over&all she could do was t only lie there so helplessly looking at the second van drive towards her. it was really terrible)': Felt so upset seeing her parents feeling so helpless too; all they ever want now is for her daughter to be okay& for the driver t be caught. This must have came t them so sudden that they dont even know how to react to it. really really hope that those irresponsible and heartless creatures would get caught.
What a disgrace to this universe.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Posted on 07:47 by Unknown
Hello everybodehhhh(: I'm using my dd's iPad t blog noow(: hee. Feel so proud and happy for him!(: he bought it with his own money, kaching,~$$ haha. So glad that this lil dream of his is fulfilled(: *happy face* shall go explore his iPad noow! Hahaha:D Ciaos peepoos(:
Friday, 14 October 2011

Cards made for the kids& tcher^^
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Volunteer with dd at SCAS today(: hee. the kids had hydro-therapy in the morning! i was actually allowed to join them in this therapy!(: but its a pity that i did not prepare any extra clothing etc. haha. but its alright! its a joy to see them having so much fun. i can still rmb the joyful look on their faces. So anw, after their hydro therapy, they had a mini children day celebration in their classroom!(: yummy snacks was prepared for them, followed by the surprises prepared by the tchers(: they received their gifts&& u should've seen all their happy faces upon opening their presents. haha. so adorable&touched(':
Tmr is their official children's day celebration! Can't wait:D excitedme(: heee! On top of that, i'm meeting benben tmr:D yay! Anticipating a long yet meaningful day tmr^^
Friday, 30 September 2011
Posted on 12:54 by Unknown
So.. headed down to scape at 4pm and danced all the way till 9plus(: teehee. kinda enjoy that feeling!! Since today was the last lesson of hiphop2, we are supposed to practice the cheoro in our assigned groups and also come out with a two 8s cheoro. i'm really proud of my group(: i mean, they nvr complained and we actually just practiced and practice and practice. over and over again, till showcase time. Though there are mistakes made during showcase, its alright because all of us had put in amazing efforts in this dance! hee. now, i'm looking forward to hiphop3:D
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