In pleasant terms: A girl who is nice and put other needs before her own.
In awful terms: A girl who is afraid to stand up for herself and often live life for others instead of self.
I believe most girls have been through this phase and that makes me no different from them. I have been through this and it took me only till recently to get out of it. i'm afraid to speak up for myself for fear of what others may feel or think about me. I put ppl's need infront of me because i often see my own opinions and needs as insignificant compared to others. I live my life for others instead of self because i thought seeing the rest happy makes me happy too.
BUT through the way it struck me hard that i should start living the life i want. Not that i should be ignorant about others but to be honest with what i really want. i dun want to live a life of regrets, thinking of 'if only i've done..'. I started to connect with my inner self during my own quality time which gave me a greater understanding of myself. i started to speak up more than i used to tho it was really a struggle at start but it felt really great when you know that you've speak your piece and people actually listen to it.
Despite these changes, i'm still me. Needs of others will still be recognize by me. its just more balanced when my own needs are looked into too(: There are still many people i wish to reach out to in this world. Slowly, one step after other, i believe i will(:
All this changes in me dun happen overnight, it may seem nothing to many but to me, it actually meant taking a big step forward because it was a whole lot of struggle within me. it wasn't easy. People may see me as an extrovert, someone who gets along with anyone and everyone. But thats not totally true because i'm actually quite an introvert within. So yeapp, it wasn't easy for changes to take place within me.
Other than my own effort, there is one special person who was there for me all this while and gave me all the patience i ever needed. I know sometimes it gets annoying when i tear over small stuff and i'm very touched that you nvr detest that about me instead each time after i settle down, you assure me that you will be with me through all changes.
Thankful for everything(: i love you, my one and only(':
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