Watched You're the Apple of my eyes for the second time, this time round with my mum& brother. Still remember the first time when i watched it with Dd, he actually prepared tissues for me. hahaha. how adorable can he get?
Though i do not have such happening memories in my past but i do have pure and innocent ones. HAHA. Despite watching it for the second time, it still managed to trigger my emotions. Don't you think its amazing that the director actually wrote his life story into a book and then film it into a movie which is now so well-known? He must have felt very proud of his work. its like watching his past memories happening all over again.
I want that too. i want to look back on my memories one day and know that i've lived a life worthwhile.& that is why i keep diaries& why i love taking pictures of things/moments i do not want to forget. i dun own any good cameras or DXLR(if thats what it is called), but i guess it does not really matter.
Ok i dunno where this post is leading to but i guess my main point here is that, whether is it good or bad, happening or boring but it is what brings us to where we're today. i'm thankful for the memories i can recall (:
Everyday is a good day, just that some are better! Start living life& make it a life worthwhile^^
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