Was invited to boyfee friend(Sean)'s 21st casino-themed birthday partyy at changi chalet (: & since Sean mentioned that he invited 90+ guests, we decided not to get him a gift since we foresee that he'll be receiving quite a number of presents HAHA so we made the decision to DIY a birthday board for him.
& it's much more sincere this way, isn't it? (:
(Credit; Sean's fb)
Arrived there just on time for the party and yesss, photo taking is a must especially with such beautiful backdrop decorated.
Guess who i met there as well? (:
CHINGSIANG, poly coursemate
Bartender of the day; Huayao (:
Super big birthday cakee (:
(credits; Sean'fb)
afterwhich, we played bingo and it was funny and entertaining looking at everyone's expression whenever they get to BINGO. hahahaa. it was pretty high, especially with the birthday boy shouting everywhr. HAAHA. This is prolly one of the 'grand' birthday celeb i've been to.
and i asked myself; what kind of 21st do i wish to have?
& yes, i do envy how people can make their 21st grand& all.
but.. that isn't something i will want to have.
i don't have alot of friends and so i guess, a simple one will be good enough? (: We can all just get together to sing and have a good meal/ catchup since we're all busy with life and prolly just camwhore alil before heading back home. or prolly make the day a meaningful one where i can get to volunteer tgther w my fam and friends (hehehhee) and have a good meal after which. i'm sry if this sounds boring to anyone though. but i guess sometimes, simplicity is bliss (:
Till then,
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