but... i just thought this can be a great time to think through of the things you may have taken granted for all this while.
Well.. for example like the CLEAN AIR in sg.
Humans tend to take things for granted especially when we grew up 'naturally' with. Since young, we didn't have to worry about the air we breathe in and i dare to say, MOST OF US MAY EVEN FORGET THAT WE HAVE AIR. yes, you may go LOL at this statement but it's true. Sometimes we just forget how lucky we are to be able to walk, jump, hold a glass of cup on our hands, being able to talk, blink our eyes. We just....forget how lucky we actually are simply because we didn't have to work hard for it, most of us just grew up with it.
So anw, where was i.. ohyes, clean air. i get how everyone is blaming the indo govt over it etc and sometimes.. i do find myself 'nagging' about it as well but... on a second thought; if we can't change the fact that they are burning trees and all, we can try to do something on our own, something within our own ability to make things better.
I understand that the surgical mask is not really helpful and useful in times like this but if N95 happen to be out of stock, then all we can is to make do of what we have.. if you guys do have extra mask(s) at home, do pass it around. All you have to do is to bring extra masks out around and if you happen to see some elderlies or workers out there without a mask, or even an aunty or a kid, just passed it to them. It's just so simple (: Some may reject you upfront but it's alright because there will definitely be many other out there who will greatly accept it and i'm sure they appreciate you for it (:
Anw, just some basic info i've found while doing some research on haze so just thought i could share it with you guys! ^^
Meaning of PSI readings;
0-50 ---> GOOD
51-100 ---> MODERATE
101-200 ---> UNHEALTHY
201-300 ---> VERY UNHEALTHY
Above 300 --> HAZARDOUS
You can also check the updated PSI here (:Above 300 --> HAZARDOUS
You guys may have heard this for a million times within this few days but yes..
1. Drink more water!!
2. Close your windows and doors at home
3. Roll up your car windows
(this is pretty common sense i guess)
4. Cut down on coffee and alcohol
5. Eat more food/fruits that are high in Vitamin C, E
6. Try not to wear contact lenses
7. Wear a mask
8. BE KIND (:
So yupp, that's about it for now i guess (:
Meanwhile, take good care alrighty!
& thankyou for reading till the end^^
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