Its another great day which i embrace alot. School was like usual, nothing special thoo. haha. ohh. did i mention about this? For BZSE celebration, i will be one of the dancers(: together with DD, some of my coursemates& seniors! hahaha. Hope its not some rama lama songg. haha. Training starts tmr(: i'm a excited girlll:D hee.
DD came over to my house after school(: Played piano. taught him his very first piece. haha. i have no idea what is the title for the melody. hhaha. fast learner(: thumbs up. hee. Its funny how i see him getting annoyed but yet persevering to get it right. it just remind me of how i'm like whenever i try to learn a new piece. (:
Dinnered with DD! Really cherish every moment when i'm with you. i like how i always feel when i'm with you. no one can ever make me feel so comfortable and only when i'm with you, i can truly be who i want to be. time with u is never enoughh:/ never never enough. i sound like a spoilt kid. lol. haha.
Mummy told me today. "爱情是要经得起时间的考验的." &&its just so true. time is the prove to every single thing. i see you as my soulmate, the one i want to spend my life with. people may see it as a joke for me t say such things but i meant what i say. We don't know what the future has to offer us but we will do our very best to pull thru all obstacles and no matter how tough things get, we're not going to leave each other ya? i love you DD(L)
t everyone around me; please stay strong. i cant believe that so many people around me, are facing difficulties in life, all at one go. i really dunno what i can dooo:/
for ahkor, stay strong and get up on your feet soon. you have done what you can, now its time for you to do something for yourself. plan ur future ahead, chiong ur fyp and off u go for an overseas trip. to get away from all this shittt. JIAYOUS.
for my dearest friends, be cheerful for everyday is a brand new dayy. As much as all of you wish for everything to be fine the very next day, pain can still be felt once you're awake. but know tht it will all come to an end eventually, be it feeling of accusation , back-stabbed, heartbroken or lost. show all of your fighting spirit and don't give up. Never give up trying for i believe, one day all of your efforts would be recognized. JIAYOUS.
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