HELLO EARTHLINGS! i'm here to update my bloggy(: hee. so school was rather hectic, filled with assignments. but still, enjoyed the process. my INSTEV assignment will be due later in the evening. i've got to know Cambodia more after this project because i was focusing on Angkor Wat, which was one of the most magnificant architecture in the world:D cool much ya! hee. next up it will be Social Psychology project which i'm quite looking forward in doing. We actually carried out experiment on how an individual/group's actions can influence the people around into doing it. Experiment was rather fun i can sayy! hahaha.
Umm, its 3rd december todayy. 9more days and i'm off to cambodia! kinda looking forward:D &&it will be my very first time boarding an aeroplane!! MYGOOOOSH:D hheeee. cant wait cant wait.
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