iam back for bloggin:D
FOC was a blast!:DD
great time thr.
school of humanities&pyxis ftw!
was in kylix:D (subgrp)
everyone thr is friendly (:
well, at least for those tat i've met for de moment (:
will be talkin bout my camp.
dun bother readin if u arent interested cus its gonna be a very wordy post:x
as usual, we had our ice breaker game:D
& we are forced t intro ourselves in this way..
"hi. i am xxx. and i am cute" *pose
hahahs. all de awkward faces:x
after all de warm welcome and cheers from sm, gls and exco,
we headed t loft(:
its like a hostel for students t stayover.
its super nice:DD

de kitchen and livin room(:

bedroom, thr is like 3rooms in total:X
(ps. pillow all in livin room)
we've all decided t slp in de livin room as a form of bondin,
despite havin those comfy beds. hee.
headed back for more icebreaker games:D
had night games as well(:
everything ended around 1plus.
headed back t our bunk and bathe! (Y)
but i was last:X heh. cus thrs like 12girls.
soo many! hahahha.
after everyone is done washin up,
we had our girls talk.
so... we end up slpin around 4plus:x
woke up around 7plus8 de next mornin.
carried on w de rest of e activities:D
had our breakfast.
& cheer:DD
den.. mass dance:DD
woo. funfun!
after which amazin race(:
but its really a pity tat i did nt gt t participate for tat.
left around 11plus&rush home.
get myself prepared and headed for cathigh.
photoshooot:D wee.
funfun:D den prac our dance till 7plus.
Cabbed back t ngee ann.
join de rest for campfire:D
tho it rained and did nt had de real fire.
bt i still had lots of fun!:DD
after de performance by exco,
every grp have t perform as well.
&our grp performed abracadabra.
hahaha. funfun:x
after which we had our friendship dance,
followed by our mass dance.
fun ttm:x
den all de lights went off, and e 'disco' lights went on with music blastin.
hahhahas. everyone started dancin:X
heh. really enjoyed myself.
dance floor was opened for ppl t show wad they have:DDafter tat, went back, bathe(:
headed up t de guys bunk since thr is only 2guys in our grp.
played truth andtruth (: had htht:D
since thr is no restriction on wad time we have t slp.
we jus played, joked, crapped and laugh till near 5am:X
and when our energy lvl is fallin flat, e girls went back t our bunk for a good night rest.

tan hua, victoria,si hui, dione, sherleen, me,liyana
jing xing,suu wei,sean, xavier,ashley, mabel & lastly, felicia:D

Ashley:D our "mummy" for de day:x
Sherleen(: de 2nd ahbud:x *character
after a long day:x all tired.
rise and shine at 8am.
cheer cheer &cheer:D
had games:X
and break camp!:D
Pyxis won de most spontaneous grp award.
hahaha. COOL:x
hahaha. COOL:x
Den we had our induction programme.
everyone smell....nice:X (sacastic)
headed t de lecture hall.
warm welcome from all lecturers (:
e tchers in sec and poly are really diff.
fell aslp when they start introducin t us other programme:X
oops. bt its really comfortable.
cant help it luhh, HAHAH.
den after which we are supposed t get into our own course.
made new friends again (:
warm welcome from our lecture,
and he introduced t us more bout our course and stuff.
i am gettin more interested in my course(:
cus its wad i've always wanted!:D
den home sweet home:D
got prepared for vocals once i reached home.
was late.oops:X
luckily lesson was fun or else i would have dosed off:x
sang 本来!(: &its all our first time usin a mic t sing:X
sang 本来!(: &its all our first time usin a mic t sing:X
gonna continue improvin myself.
weewoo. saw our test pieces alr:/
gonna go prac real soon!:X
seems like a really long post.
oops. night peeps!:D
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