fever fever. SHOOOO.
Hellos (:
i am finally free to blog,
lots& lots of project. busybusy. haha,
school was great as usual:D
our class is really bonded. woo.
maybe cus thr are only 40ppl in our cohort so its easier t get everyone tgther (:
school was rather torturous for me ystd,
cus i was havin a really bad headache./
was allowed to slp durin Dr. angela's lesson.
ohman, a bigbig privilege.
so.. of course i make use of the chance t slp.
it was damn painful till i could hardly open my eyes:x
after school, went t settle some stuff and then headed home.
headed to bed the moment i reached home.
woke up around 9plus,
drag myself t see de doc.
woo. down w fever..
my highest record; 39.8
OHWELLL, jus hope that i wil recover by tmr (:
cus thrs s&w, IS and nra audition:/
having chc audition later!
get well soon yea. (: will be prayin for you (: