i will..jiayoujiayou(:
blog. blog. bloggin time(:
hmm, spent 3/4 of e day at home.
hmm, spent 3/4 of e day at home.
dating music:DD
no vocals today:/
cant wait fot de comin lesson!
finally finish watchin down with love.
love e drama. NICE!:D
if only, thr is such happy endin t everything in reality.
anw. sudden decision t meet dajie.
Pei-ed her t settle some cash thingy.
went wcplaza.
makan at quiznos cafe(:
NICE:DD *yumss
went popular & bought a story book(:
wee. gonna read it!
so i wouldn spend so much time usin de com.
its quite annoyin when i repeat de same unhealthy routine everyday:/
so..yea! hahas.
umm.. cant wait for fri as well as sat!:DD
maybe even sun(:
hmm, tats all for today.
slp tight peepos.
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