From the very day we've been together till now, it has always been this blissful and heart-warming feeling ♥
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Halloween :D
Posted on 09:22 by Unknown
Remember me mentioning about having a mini celebration with dd after work?:D hehe. TADAHH (: This is it! We celebrated our halloween at NLB:D they had this free event known as the haunted library and i felt that it was really great since this was their first time& surprisingly their response was... WOW. You wouldn't want to imagine the crowd! haha. So, dd& I rushed down after work and lucky for us, we managed to be the first 100 participants, which also means..... free goodie bag!!:D HAHAHA. YAYYY!(: actually.. it was more than just a goodie bag cus it was a tote bag& it's really pretty:D #elilthings
While waiting for our turn, those scary looking peepoos started to walk around. hehe. so awesooome:X Took a few pictures with them before entering the haunted library! (:
Had such a great time (: Appreciating all the fun i'm experiencing (:
Monday, 22 October 2012
Posted on 21:20 by Unknown
Went for a scheduled talk at the hub & i find it really really meaningful (: The speaker (pronounce as An-Shu) from GOONJ (Echo) talked about issues that are usually overseen by us, humans. Usually when we talk about social issues, we will think of poverty, education as a whole but many a times, we neglect about the basic necessities that we as humans need; CLOTHING. People die due to the lack of clothing during their cold seasons, lack of cloth for proper sanitation which causes infection to occur etc.
Today's session has been a really fruitful one i felt. Another thing which An-shu said that left me quite an impression was: You don't need money to start a social enterprise you can incentivize them by working for it. Unmonetary form comes in: clothing, food, water etc..
Good learning points (:
So anw afterwhich, dd& I went to bugis plus to slackk & we ended up in a yogurt shop; BERRYLITE:D
HEHE. that basically sums up my dayyy! (: byee^^
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Posted on 08:47 by Unknown
One week of school has passed by & i'm enjoying every part of it (: I guess, internship really trained me to cherish my school life moree. Kinda dread going into the working society UNLESS it's for something i'm passionate about cus i guess at the end of the day, that's what really matters most. yeapp (:
Anw, have been working part time on weekends tgther with dd. Tiring, yes but i believe it will be worth it as well (: Tho we may be really really worn out at times, but we know we've each other and it just pushes us to pull through those moments. *thankful*
Gonna work nxt week as well & we're both excited cus it's double payyy :D weewoo! Though we may not be able to attend any uss or sentosa halloween events BUT we've made our plans as well after wooork to celebrate at a min cost:D HEHE. Can't wait ^^
Sometimes being rich may just mean being to afford more things but that doesn't makes one a happier person.
I'm happy with the things i've & will just work harder& smarter for the things i want/need (:
Friday, 19 October 2012
Posted on 07:01 by Unknown
First attempt on marble cake (: hee. Appearance is not that bad afterall i guess. hahha. Shall try to bake this soon again& the next time, it will be better i believe:D lala~
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Posted on 10:49 by Unknown
Monday, 15 October 2012
New Start (:
Posted on 11:08 by Unknown
![]() |
I still do (: |
First day of school after so many months away from it &it definitely felt great being back (': Entered NP with a really big smile on my face :D hee. I love how dd& I always rush for buses, complain on the slopes we have to walk, exchange funny glances during lessons, spending time after school together etc. Really miss all these& just today, i got it all back ^^ AHHH. HAPPY(: So gonna cherish every moment in school though i believe i will definitely be grumpy on certain days. haha. but i believe it will be jus temporal! Everything's gonna be awesomeee in schoool :D
Gonna crush noow! Nightyy:D
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Last day of holidayy(:
Posted on 10:35 by Unknown
This holiday has been a really meaningful and fruitful one for me (:
I get to spend time with my love ones, at least 1 meetup session despite their busy schedules(: *Contented* Not only that, i got to volunteer and went trainings that i've been hoping to attend^^ Took my first step out to baking and spent time with momsie and brother(: Not forgetting, trying to make conversation with my daddyy.
Maybe these things may seem insignificant to others but to me it means alot. 1 meetup, 1 opportunity, 1 step forward, 1 conversation; all this things came by with my effort& i've never regretted any of it (':
Thankful to everyone who have made my holi an enjoyable one^^ hee.
Tmr is a day new, a new start to my last semester in NP & i promise to work hard& smart!
Most importantly, cherish this feeling as a carefree student(:
Time to turn in. Nighty Earthlings(:
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Its over~(:
Posted on 11:17 by Unknown
YMCA has finally come t an end. Though it may not be my 100% but i've certainty put in my efforts and so does other team members. happy, yes i'm (: Appreciating all their effort, but am i appreciated as well?
Tmr is gonna be a brand new day, BIG SMILES EVERYBODEEEH(:
Friday, 12 October 2012
Posted on 10:53 by Unknown
Today is a stay home day but nope, i'm not gonna waste my time staring at my lappy's screen. So together with dd, we planned on attempting on eggtarts today:D
Once Nic knows about it, he got so excited that he refuse to take his nap. hahaha (: #Random; It's always such a sweet feeling seeing Dd interacting with Nic ^^ hee. Nic seems t like dd alot too. #happy
So anw.. with the help of everyone in the hse (HAHA) hmm, the eggtarts turned out acceptable..but definitely space for improvement! haha. Since, i didn't manage to get the actual case, the shape came out weird. HAHA. DATAHHH(:
i didn't have to bring nic home on my own today cus I've dd with me(: Together with him, we engaged in nic's innocent conversations(: haha. What a cutie pie.
All in all, today has been a lovely day spent (':
Once Nic knows about it, he got so excited that he refuse to take his nap. hahaha (: #Random; It's always such a sweet feeling seeing Dd interacting with Nic ^^ hee. Nic seems t like dd alot too. #happy
Awful looking eggtarts. HAHA. |
i didn't have to bring nic home on my own today cus I've dd with me(: Together with him, we engaged in nic's innocent conversations(: haha. What a cutie pie.
All in all, today has been a lovely day spent (':
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
#it's always the lil things (:
Posted on 12:08 by Unknown
Homecooked lunch with boyfee always feel so heartwarming ♥
Monday, 8 October 2012
Posted on 12:06 by Unknown
Today has been a really long & tiring day:/ *yawns
Worked for 12 hours and dinner with dd's big family. haha. Enjoy being around him & his family. They are all so welcoming (': Just one thing, i was really tired till the extend that my eyes are near to shutting down any moment. So i was really stony today. haha.
Nonethless, it has been a great great day ^^
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Posted on 11:59 by Unknown
Weee (: Today has been a really fulfilling dayy (: Went to my grandma hse with momsie in the noon & later in the evening, i met up with dd, claudia, andy, christopher& malvina for dinner at Chomp Chomp! :D Due to the never-ending crowd, the 6 of us squeezed into a table for 4. HAHA. So much laughters during dinner:D WEEWOO. Played pool after dinner and it was like some kinda triple date (: haha.
So much fun, so much fun!(:
So much fun, so much fun!(:
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
There is no stop to learning (:
Posted on 10:03 by Unknown
Figured out that i've to do smth with myself. like..maybe to pick up more skills etc? haha:x So i have been trying to master my guitar chords as well as to indulge in baking videos recently; trying out diff recipe for my Chocolate Cookie Chip. Thankful that my cookie turns out better each time, hopefully one day i'll be able to master it (: Hm, was really eager and excited to try to make eggtarts today but.. i still didn't manage to find the crust casing:/ BOOHOOOO. Lucky for me, there is always a backup plan. HEHE. HONEY JOYS ^_^ I was so glad it turned out great ^^ & dd likes it too (: Hee.*JOOOOY*
I'm just trying to learn more (: #don't-judge-me.
Before going into Oven |
Honey Joys! |
I'm just trying to learn more (: #don't-judge-me.
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